ni satu pengakuan. aku tak pernah main scrabble seumur hidup . Serious ni. sebab kan ..... aku ni bukan lah ulat buku whatsoever la.. :D . tapi pengalaman hari ni mengubah segalanya. Betapa indah perkataan omputih ni , 2 huruf pun boleh menjadi satu perkataan . AB, AA, ni yang aku jumpa kat internet. Tapi yang official dia redwood rules. Tapi kan, apa kan daya, dapat NAIB JOHAN JE.
esok nak main dart pulak. ntah apa pulak pengalaman yang akan aku dapat..
Two Letter Word. ( Camni pun orang boleh fikir)
AA rough, cindery lava
AB abdominal muscle {OSPD3}
AD advertisement
AE one
AG pert. to agriculture
AH intj. expressing understanding
AI three-toed sloth
AL East Indian tree
AM [be-conj] (to exist)
AN indefinite article
AR letter 'r'
AS to the same degree
AT in the location of
AW intj. expressing disbelief
AX to cut with an ax
AY aye
BA eternal soul in Egyptian mythology
BE to exist
BI bisexual
BO pal
BY side issue
DE of, from
DO to execute/first tone of musical scale
ED education {OSPD3}
EF letter 'f'
EH intj. used to indicate lack of understanding
EL letter 'l'
EM printer's measurement
EN printer's measurement
ER intj. expressing hesitation
ES letter 's'
ET [eat-conj] (to consume)
EX letter 'x'
FA fourth tone of diatonic musical scale
FE Hebrew letter (feh, pe) {OSPD4}
GO to leave
HA sound expressing triumph
HE male person
HI intj. used as a greeting
HM intj. expressing thought (hmm)
HO intj. used to attract attention to something
ID part of psyche related to instinctual impulses
IF possible condition
IN influence
IS [be-conj] (to exist)
IT person playing tag/indefinite pronoun
JO sweetheart
KA Egyptian spiritual self
KI vital life-sustaining energy (qi) {OSPD4}
LA sixth tone of diatonic musical scale
LI Chinese unit of distance
LO intj. used to attract attention
MA mother
ME pronoun referring to myself
MI third tone of diatonic musical scale
MM intj. expressing satisfaction
MO moment
MU Greek letter
MY possessive prounoun
NA no
NE born with the name of (nee)
NO negative reply
NU Greek letter
OD hypothetical force of natural power
OE Faroean wind
OF coming from
OH to exclaim "oh"
OI intj. expressing dismay (oy) {OSPD4}
OM mantra used in meditation
ON side of wicket where cricket batsman stands
OP style of abstract art
OR heraldic color gold
OS orifice/bone/ridge of sand (esker)
OW intj. expressing sudden pain
OX hoofed mammal/clumsy person
OY intj. expressing dismay
PA father
PE Hebrew letter
PI Greek letter/to jumble
QI vital life-sustaining energy {OSPD4}
RE second tone of diatonic musical scale
SH intj. used to urge silence (shh)
SI seventh tone of diatonic musical scale (ti)
SO fifth tone of diatonic musical scale
TA thanks
TI seventh tone of diatonic musical scale
TO toward
UH intj. expressing hesitation
UM intj. expressing hesitation
UN one
UP to raise
US objective pronoun for "we"
UT musical tone in French solmization system
WE plural pronoun
WO woe
XI Greek letter
XU Vietnamese monetary unit
YA you
YE you
YO intj. used to call attention {OSPD3}
ZA pizza {OSPD4}
This entry was posted
on Sunday, December 14, 2008
at Sunday, December 14, 2008
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Lawati ....
- Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru 2009 dan Awal Muharra...
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